"Where Is Ben McAdoo" Is Currently The Hottest Song In The Streets

Best song of 2016 not sung by Bruno Mars, bar none. The only song that can touch “All I Want For Christmas Is You” in December is Odell Beckham Jr. and company are showing you how they cook up summer in the winter. Christmas at the Clem house usually leads to a fair share of Giants gifts. Sometimes those gifts are taken in sadness as a 6-2 start ends with an 8-8 finish. And while I’m not going to jinx anything, it’s looking like a pretty decent chance it won’t be a blue Big Blue Christmas this year.

And if this team wasn’t likable enough, they were apparently on Instagram Live today balling the fuck out and having a blast. What is Instagram Live some of you may ask? Basically Snapchat meets Facebook Live for Instagram where you can post something live and once it’s over, you can’t watch it anymore.

Now if say you were an old washed up blogger that would kill to see Odell making it rain while dancing in the locker room (Odell is also the world’s best dancer outside of Bruno Mars) as Snacks Harrison takes the money and starts stacking snacks on snacks on snacks, you may be kind of upset that you missed the video. You couldn’t blog the video because it’s gone forever and nobody else ripped it. But if that same washed up blogger was a Giants fan, he would be A-OK with it in the end. You know why? Because this team is looser than a Kardashian sister and ready to march into and through the playoffs. Plus that blogger saw this graphic today and became all warm and fuzzy inside.

via FTW

God I love this team right now.

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